Sea Inspired
The essence of water finds itself in much of my artworks showing what a profound effect it has had on my life.
My earliest meaningful creation was building a kayak at 14. Kayaks and other watercraft then becoming my method of choice to explore the world. Subsequently living and working on a sailboat I became more in sync with the tides and rhythms of nature. Fundamentally shaping who I am, water has given me strength to accomplish what I didn’t know was possible. It has been the conduit to the unknown and constantly teaches me to be one with its currents. Water’s various forms and metaphors have found a way into many of my sculptures.
Sea Goddess was sculpted 17 years after the original sold out Fish Goddess was created. Perfection may not exist but I relish coming back over time to loved pieces and getting closer to the goal.

Tower of Power, Cast concrete whale vertebrae with lighting indicating the chakras.
Sea Legs, Bronze, 36h x 48w x 14d”